Project-Details | Mentos
  • Role:Traffic Consultant
  • Client:Trico Capital Nigeria Limited
  • Status:All services completed in February 2013.
  • Location:Lagos, Nigeria

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Lagos Cable Car Pre-feasibility Study and Transportation Impact Study

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Ropeways Transport Limited is developing a 12.85 km network of cable cars serving the metropolis of Lagos and connecting Lagos Island with both the mainland and Victoria Island, using Doppelmayr proprietary 3S technologies. The cable car transport project, which will be affordable to all will act to relieve pressure on the traffic system and reduce average journey times by as much as 70 minutes each way, with 9,000 vehicles taken off the roads each day, alleviating congestion and reducing pollution.

Trico Capital, the Financial Adviser to Ropeways Transport Limited, appointed FAO Consulting to prepare a Pre-feasibility Study of the Cable Car and also a Transportation Impact Assessment for the project approval.

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